Sunday, July 29, 2012


Watching India and I pick tomatoes- "I do that! Pinou! I hold that backpack! Feet uckie!" / "I'n hungy! Granpa reach! I do that! Put suup on it!!! More! HUngy!"- eating pancakes / Lucia kisses my scratched finger solemnly / She is often carrying two babies while she plays-the babies aren't even really what she's playing with-they are just her babies. She sat up from napping yesterday & told me, " baby crying!" and darted off. / "okay!!!" crying while i hug her & tell her I have to go to work, "Okay mamaaaaa!!!" ugh / puppies=butt paste= all medicines / The other night Luc climbed into bed with India & they pulled the blankets up to their eyes & peered up at me. Too sweet. Another night this week Lucia could not stop smooching, hugging & kissing India. India was laughing. / Luc & Sach kissing-She points at his chin & says "ow" then says "nose!" they rub noses like eskimos. Then "cheek!" they press cheeks. Then says "ow!" and kisses his lips. / Shoot! kitty! (instead of shoo) / dammit! dammit! dammitdammit ( after I told her it's not nice to say dammit) / "I miss mama. I miss papa reach." to sach when I was working / She says "I do that! I do it!" all of the time. She wants to do things herself, smart little girl.

poor papa Sacha

Oh ladies, this will never do. Sach sent this picture to me right after I started work with a text-miss you!

Lucia, time traveler

mine & Joshua's passport photo. I can't believe how much I look like Lucia

Olympia VII

Lucia didn't go kayaking with us but she was very brave being baby sat so we could get up early, get coffee at the sweetest bakery (San Francisco St) and see seals, jellyfish & a gray crane. Thanks Heather & Lu! And David. It was really something.

Olympia VI

It was a little too cold for ice cream, we managed

Olympia V

Heather, Luc & I went on a quick hike. It was the greenest place I've ever seen I think. Lucy wanted to take her "shoes off!Water!!!" every time we passed a stream

Olympia IV

at the amazing Olympia farmers market. Lucia had her own shaved ice with fresh boysenberry juice on it. So good

Olympia III

It was like walking into a shins song, their home was so fun & cozy. Our room had books floor to ceiling, even over the doors!
Espen, Abel & Mairead

Olympia II

Our first day in Olympia-drove to a beautiful glacier fed lake an hour from the Shackelfords home.Lucia napped in the woods, the kids played, we picnicked. It was just so pretty!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympia I

"Airplane!! LOUD!!!" On our way to Seattle & OLympia

greek yogurt

usually we head straight for the bath after snacks

India, Violet, Lucia & Asia

having a ball


A surprise from papa