Saturday, February 25, 2012

As of today...

Add: "Sacha!" and ,"ice!" to the vocab list
And "all done!" and even more importantly," cookie!!"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


As of today Lucia's vocabulary consists of the following: mama, papa, dada, MA!, in ni na (india), meow, arf!, psssssssssss ( when she attacks us with her toy snake), buzzzzzz, ouch, ow!, boo ( as in boobies), boo!, wawa, peepee, keeeee! (kitty), Elmo, ba (bottle), mimi, hedo? (hello) which she says while holding the remote control or block to her ear, no! Uh-oh! Oh NO!, book, thank you, apple, there you go ( derdigo) and the word for everything...Uh?? While pointing. She can kiss, she walks around the house drinking a bottle by herself or we hold it with her standing next to us like a little goat. Today I asked her what cows say," moooooo" I asked her to give me a kiss and she pecked me and I asked her to give me a kiss like she gives her babies. Oh man, the slobberiest longest smooshy faced kiss EVER. Ever. She kisses her babies all day, like sucks on their faces like an affectionate octopus. She does a lot of her playing with a baby tucked under one arm and constantly urges sach & I to feed them- she wants me to stop what I'm doing and nurse her dolls and she wants sach to give them snacks. She is very concerned about the vacuum and brings us to the office to point at it and wave her arms and make the vacuum noise. She and India have too much fun playing- yelling, shrieking, giggling and chasing eachother endlessly. It's pretty great. Lucia is just a doll. She is having so much fun being one and we are having too much fun with her.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Luc climbs into bed when it's time to read India books and gets cozy