Well, Lucia is officially a traveler. We flew to SF for Devin's welcome shower. She was great, flirting with people on the plane, never cried. Just nursed & slept. She did poop SO so loudly twice. We had to change her before & after the flight. Pretty funny. Claire picked us up and had nice coffe for us. She was so happy to hold Luc. Here is what we did:
Walked down Valencia and went to such fun stores! Gypsy honeymoon, a crazy baby store with all the plan toys dollhouses (like indias)
Ate at Babaloos, Lucia slept. Next time we go were getting lemon pancakes
Took the Bart! Loud and exciting. I was glad I brought the lightest stroller
Ferry building! Always amazing. Got headcheese for papa Sacha at the tasty pig parts shop
Farmers market- mom got a bundle of heather for Claire and we took pictures of the bay- it was so foggy and pretty
Home! Claires room is just so cozy and beautiful
Snacks/more diaper changes/kissed the baby a lot. Hot showers and then...
Erin visited and brought us a pie from mission pies. Wonderful.
We walled to localvore for an organic locally aquired dinner with wine. Claire & I shared white beans with pork shoulder and greens. It was delicious and tasted like something sach would just whip up for dinner. Mom had amazing soup with her dinner- I can't remember what it was though. The Erins (K&C) met us for dinner and it was so good to finally meet K and see Claire laughing and talking with her SF girls. They are both just lovely.
Home! So tired. 30 rock and mom finished the edges of Devin's quilt for me by hand. Thank you mom!!!
That was Saturday, we had too much fun.
Sunday we went to my new favorite spot- the liberty cafe- & had the BEST croissants & lattes ever. Lucia looked terribly interested in the sticky buns behind the glass counter. Across the street was a wonderful used bookstore & mom and Claire both got books for the new baby
Next we headed over the east bay bridge for the party...
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