Her very first Christmas and she is three months old today! So big. India picked out a rattle to give her and I wrapped a beautiful wooden fish from her papa & I. Shrews delighted and shook the rattle! Up at my parents Julia had made marshmallows for hot chocolate and I mostly nursed Lucia by the fireplace. It was fun! Josh and Laura made her laugh & smile so much! Her aunties took turns burping her when she wasn't eating. Laura made her a hat with ears from a smoky purple yarn, babies are so fun because you get to open their presents for them. Amazing. We went up to see grandma gretchen and Kas and elyse for a beautiful Christmas dinner and too many presents. India was so excited! Lucia got beautiful presents- fun rattles and a pretty cotton kimono. Then she napped on the couch as though she had had too much to drink. Thank you everyone for the gifts and for such a lovely Christmas!