Born at 4:52 Saturday the 25th of September at mamas work- the hospital. Papa sacha was there and aunt Claire flew down from SF to be there. Water broke at 2:30 at home. I was worried & started to cry and India said,"don't cry mama Rosie, I will protect you!" and gave me a lucky penny. It was a full harvest moon just like when India was born. Lucia Penelope, 5 pounds 5 ounces, 18 inches long, posterior presentation, nuchal cord (cord around neck) born with one eye open ( sach calls her "left eye" sometimes), beiruit was playing, hopefully Claire knows which song! Papa cut the cord, Dr grey delivered. A perfectly wonder birth with papa and and Claire just like India. Thank you for being there and helping me so much! Sacha said I looked pale and tired and then she was born and the next time he looked at me I was glowing. Nice! Welcome, baby Lucia! We love you sweetheart.
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